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The Tea House is located in the Innensee restaurant complex,
In the perfume district of Mitzpeh Ramon. The place is decorated, ֿthanks to Alice's story in Wonderland
On the Tea House menu you will find tea blends,
Unique infusions of herbs from different traditions
Which come from farms in Israel and around the world.
The tea menu is also served in the Innesens Restaurant
Along with a selection of handmade cookies and desserts by a local confectioner.
Another place, a small gift shop offering local produce, herbal tea blends, cosmetics and home-made aromas
Irus Herbal Cosmetics - A place for medicinal plants
From time to time, herbal workshops are held for the general public.
Come happily,
Mount Ardon 8, Mitzpe Ramon Spice Route.
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